William Allen White Award Festivities

I received the William Allen White Award in Emporia, Kansas on Saturday, October 4, 2014.

I was joined by co-winner, Helen Frost, the extraordinary author of Hidden.

We were warmly embraced by the people of Emporia as well as kids from across Kansas.

Our host, John Sheridan, Dean of Libraries and Archives, made our visit an unforgettable one.

We toured William Allen White’s beautiful home, signed books, and were treated to a parade –marching band included! – around the Emporia State campus.

Local news story here.

The Parade:

Delivering speech at awards ceremony. Helen Frost is sitting to the left:

WAW Awards 3


Helen and I riding golf cart at the head of the parade:



Holding William Allen White Award Medallion, with my wife Deborah beside me.






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